Bone #001 2023 W630 × D50 × H640mm Washi, plaster, deer glue, deer bone, wood,iron, UV print Unique

Bone #002 2023 W 380 ×D 50 ×H 610mm Leaf, plaster, deer glue, deer bone, wood, iron, UV print Unique
垣根 -hedge- Bone
Humans are part of the natural world. In the wild, animals and plants exist within the circle of the food chain from birth to death. Human death, however, is not part of this food chain and deviates from the natural order. Additionally, the impact humans have on the environment differs from other living organisms. Human activities, such as environmental pollution and habitat destruction, have significant effects on ecosystems.
Nevertheless, humans can also play a role in balancing ecosystems. One way this is manifested is through hunting. Hunting is not only about causing the death of animals but also about sustaining other life forms. It is done with an awareness of maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, avoiding the targeting of weak animals, allowing them to live and contribute to the next cycle. Humans are sustained by nature, and in turn, nature is influenced by humans. Both coexist, affecting each other. Though times change and human life becomes increasingly detached from nature, humans and nature are never truly separate and are both integral parts of the ecosystem. Since ancient times, the relationship between humans and nature has been cyclical and essentially unchanged.
The bones in this artwork are from a deer hunted by a hunter. Various creatures fed on the remains, leaving these bones behind. At the center of the work, plaster represents the sea, fallen leaves symbolize plants, and layers of deer bones and deer glue represent animals, illustrating the flow of life on earth. The frame is made of iron to represent humans, and sand and dyes in the shadows between them symbolize the boundary between humans and nature.
狩猟は動物に死をもたらすだけでなく、他の生物を生かすことも考えて行われる。生態系のバランスを意識し、弱ったものは狙わず、次の巡りに活かされていく。 人間は自然に活かされている存在であり、その一方で自然もまた人間と云うひとつの動物よって影響を受け、両者は共に生きている。時代は移り変わり人の生活は自然から離れ行く。しかし、人と自然とは決して別個ではなく、両者とも生態系の一端である。紀元前から人と自然のあり方は、本質では変わらず循環しているのだ。
狩猟は動物に死をもたらすだけでなく、他の生物を生かすことも考えて行われる。生態系のバランスを意識し、弱ったものは狙わず、次の巡りに活かされていく。 人間は自然に活かされている存在であり、その一方で自然もまた人間と云うひとつの動物よって影響を受け、両者は共に生きている。時代は移り変わり人の生活は自然から離れ行く。しかし、人と自然とは決して別個ではなく、両者とも生態系の一端である。紀元前から人と自然のあり方は、本質では変わらず循環しているのだ。